Fantastic show at RGRS. 3 for 3:
Spooky Folk was up first, and omg, did i
love Spooky Folk. Super-catchy, spirit-lifting, head-bobbing, smile-inducing folky rock. No way you can listen to it without experiencing a serious elevation in mood. Loved the violin (of course). Can't wait to catch them again.
!Peligro! was up next, and I loved these guys as well. 3-man band, playing some smokin-hot bluesy rock. Perfect band name, if that tells you anything. Loved it.
This Old House headlined. Been dying to catch these guys again after hearing just a couple songs at a
show back in May. And as I suspected, I fell in love with 'em from the very first song. Lush, ethereal, soothing, beautiful - very early-Radiohead, which is right in my wheelhouse. Gawd, I loved it. Definitely in contention to make my "favorite locals" list. Check 'em out.