first up was one of my favorites, Romp Almighty. fell in love with these guys the first time i saw 'em, and they still do it for me. their sound is so raw and organic (i'm not even sure what that means, but it kept coming to my mind during their set), yet catchy and groove-filled at the same time. and look out - romp is now 50% larger, having added a second guitarist. have to say, tho - i was crushed they didn't play Drift - crushed i tell ya. but i still really enjoyed the set.
next up was Hormones, Limited. 3-man band, with drummer performing lead vocal duties. not sure how to categorize their sound - sorta punk-influenced garage-y metal? influences listed on myspace include helmet and pavement, so there ya go. lead vocals were of the talk-shout variety. not exactly what you would call my kind of stuff, but i thought it was pretty well done, and i actually enjoyed the set.
last up was The Physics of Meaning, from North Carolina. 4-piece band, with lead playing the violin. the dude was pretty good ('tho i have to say Doug from Sunward is at a whole different level). anyways, they played a decent collection of folky pop tunes. sometimes i heard Bends-era radiohead, believe it or not, especially in the vocals (the melody and stylings, not the voice). I'd really enjoyed what I'd heard on myspace, and i have to say i was a little let down by what i heard at the cavern. this was one of those cases where the recorded stuff outshines the live show. still, a pleasant set overall.